If you have additional questions that are not answered below, please e-mail us at CharlestonCentralLL@gmail.com
If you live within the physical boundaries of CCLL, you are eligible and expected to play for CCLL.
Per Little League International attendance rules, you may also play for CCLL even if you do not reside in CCLL’s boundaries, if you attend Weberwood, Overbrook, Holz Elementary Schools, or John Adams Middle School. Those four schools are physically located within our league’s boundaries and therefore anyone attending any one of those schools may play for CCLL regardless of where you live. If you choose to play in CCLL based on where you go to school, parents/guardians will need to provide a completed Little League International school enrollment form, confirming enrollment in the school for the current academic year. School Enrollment Form can be found here.
To determine if your address is within the CCLL physical boundary, please visit Little League International and use their League Finder tool: https://www.littleleague.org/play-little-league/league-finder/
Practices will begin in late February after teams have been assigned. Opening weekend date will be listed on our homepage once determined and we will play through May/early June.
Perhaps. There will be player evaluations for all new players to CCLL or any player moving up to a new division (excluding t-ball players). More information will be provided once registration is closed. The evaluation date is tentaively scheduled for Saturday, February 18th. More details to be provided.
For those attending the evaluation, please bring your glove and wear running shoes as the evaluation will occur indoors and cleats are not allowed on the gym floor.
Your child will be provided with a jersey and hat that he/she may keep. You will need to purchase pants, belt, and socks. Your child's team manager will determine the color. Additionally, the league has helmets, bats, and catcher's equipment that may be used. You child will need his/her own baseball cleats, glove and for softball players, a face mask.
There is typically a set day or evening for t-ball games. Those games tend to be on Sunday afternoon or Saturday morning, with one practice during the week. Games for the other divisions of play can occur any day of the week.
T-ball & Coach Pitch games are typically played at Suppa Field (Oakmont) field and Bible Center fields. Games for the 9-10 baseball/softball and 11-12 baseball/softball divisions occur at North Charleston, John Adams Middle School, and away games are scheduled at the home fields of other leagues.